Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Beauty Break . . .

Here's my girl looking purrty, courtesy of the Freebie Photographers at Petco.

Gracie's Photos Credited to Signature Images Inc. out of Salem, OR.

May Birthday Cards . . . Part 1

May and October are the big birthday months in the family (and friends who are like family!).

Here are a few more birthday cards for my May family and friends!

I took an extra couple pictures of the second (inchie) card so you could see the pretty shine of the embossing. :) The Inchie card cut is another from Susan. Thanks, Susan - you're awesome!

Note - blogger is very hard to format, no matter how I play with it, sorry about the way this is laid out. :(

More May Birthday Cards . . . Part 2

May and October are the big birthday months in the family (and friends who are like family!).

Here are a few more birthday cards for my May family and friends!

The Rhino is an image I found online, I layered it for a cool 3D effect. The Frogs are stamps that were painted with the same irridescent-interference paints and markers.

Sarah's card turned out to be the coolest card I've ever made! I die cut the jar layers (there are 3 or 4 of them, I forget - lol) out of plastic packaging (recycling!) and the Fairies are all painted with irridescent & interference colors so they look different at different angles. The word "Enchanted" inside is shimmery too, but hard to photograph. I love how this one came out!

Feel Better Card for my young friend Cameron

Here is a card for the son of a friend who is in and out of the hospital quite a bit. I hope he likes it! I took a lot of pictures to show the embossing - that never photographs well, lol. I have done a card like this colored in also, but I think I prefer this highly detailed stamp uncolored. Less sensory overload. :) The sentiment inside the card is embossed with pretty glittery powder, even though it's hard to tell from the picture.

Thank You Cards . . .

Here are two more "Thank You" cards I sent out this month to friends and people who have helped me. :) Click photos to enlarge. Your comments are always welcome!

Happy Mother's Day 2009

Hi all, I wanted to wait until I was sure Mom received this before posting hit. I used the SCUT Susan generously created to make this cool stair step card. :). This is another "busy" card with everything from metal, quilling, layering, fibers, and more! I have come to the conclusion, that I just make "busy" cards. They seem to be enjoyed so I'm just embracing this phase of my creativity. I took lots of pictures so you can see the full effect. I like how this came out, hopefully she will too. :) Click the images to enlarge them. As always, your comments are most welcome. :)


Laying Flat:


Folded for Easy Access Envelope:

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter Everyone!

Well, once again I didn't get my Easter cards out in time, so I will just post it here for all of you. If you are a family member and want the actual card even though it's late, just reply to this post (post a comment link is under the body of the post) or email me. :)

First a visit from my Easter Bunny (I know, NO DIGNITY for Gracie! Look at that SULK - lol)

And the card for all of you with love from me!

It's hard to see all the detail and dimension I put into the card, so I took a lot of picture - click the pictures to see larger versions. Some highlight the bling (sparkle), some the embellishments, and some the layers I built up! The "bunny ears," "tie on tail," and "bunny slipper tails" are dimensional puff paint.

I had to add a covered inner lining secured with a tiny latch (photo turn) so you wouldn't see the writing from the front of the card.

It's really hard to see, but there are a lot of layers in the back image. Many of the faces, the mouse and bird, and duck beak are popped out. The "ground" is dimensional puff to resemble gravel. The "Happy Easter" is Glitter embossed and then lavender glaze filled to look a bit like stained glass. There is a close up of the latch above too.

I hope you all DO have a wonderful Easter and enjoy this card!